
DoggieDashboard GDPR Compliance

If you're a pet owner, please scroll down to section 2 below.

DoggieDashboard EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Overview

In EU General Data Protection Regulation terminology, DoggieDashboard is acting as a data processor. We give our users (pet-service businesses) the ability to store various types of information about their clients (pet owners). Our users, in GDPR terminology, are acting as the data controller because they are able to choose which types of customer data they wish to store, if any, about their clients (pet owners). DoggieDashboard provides pet-service businesses a secure platform to save this information.

Section 1 (Users of DoggieDashboard)

Your GDPR Rights & Responsibilties as a DoggieDashboard User

As a user of DoggieDashboard, your organization is considered a data controller which means you determine the purpose and means of processing personal data. You must have the consent of your clients before you store their personal information in DoggieDashboard. Only save necessary information, such as a phone number and email. If you don't have a reason to store their address, don't store it. DoggieDashboard doesn't allow the mass import of customer data. This feature prevents "bad" users from purchasing online lists of customers and mass-uploading them into the platform. You are only allowed to retain your customer data for the period of time for which they have consented. If a client asks that you erase their data and you do not comply, DoggieDashboard will erase the client's data after confirming their identity and notifiying you about their request for deletion. If you feel your account has been compromised because of a weak password or other hacking attempt, you are required to notify your clients about this breach. If need be, you can notify DoggieDashboard and we will notify your clients about the breach. The rights below are for both your business in relation to DoggieDashboard as well for your clients in relation to your business. DoggieDashboard will comply with all GDPR requests from users, as well as the clients of users, within 14 days.

Right to be Forgotten: User: You may terminate your DoggieDashboard account at any time, in which case we will permanently delete your account and all data associated with it.
Client of User: Your clients have the same right to be erased from your business's database. If a client requests to be deleted, you must comply unless you have a legal reason not to. You must provide this legal reason to your client.

Right to Rectification: User: You may access and update your DoggieDashboard account settings at any time to correct or complete your account information. Just click on the "User Settings" or "Business Settings" menu tabs.
Client of User: If a client of your business sees a mistake in their personal data, you must comply in changing it for them.

Right of Access: User: Our Privacy Policy describes what data we collect and how we use it. If you have specific questions about particular data, you can contact for further information at any time.
Client of User: If one of your clients requests access to their personal information, use the data export feature to provide them with their information in CSV format.

Right of Portability: User: We will export your account data to a third party at any time upon your request. All data is exported in CSV (spreadsheet) format.
Client of User: Use the data export feature to provide your client with their information in CSV format.

Right to Object: User: You may opt-out of having your data stored on the DoggieDashboard platform. As a DoggieDashboard user, DoggieDashboard saves your first name, last name, business name and email address for email marketing purposes. To remove yourself from the email marketing list, click the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of any email we send you. Otherwise, contact and we'll remove you from our email software.
Client of User: If a user objects to having their data stored, you are not allowed to store it. If it's a business requirement that you store their information, please communicate this to your client.

If you're a pet owner, the section below is the information that's relevant to you.

Section 2 (Clients of DoggieDashboard Users)

GDPR Request Processing for the Clients of DoggieDashboard Users

If you're a pet owner and use a pet-service provider, there is a chance that your pet-service provider (dog walker, daycare, boarding kennel, groomer, etc) uses DoggieDashboard to manage their business. If so, there's a chance that your pet daycare provider has saved personal data about you and your pet(s). Below you'll see each of your GDPR rights and how DoggieDashboard will comply with each. As a reminder, it's your data, not ours and not your pet-service providers. If you don't want your dog daycare provider saving your mailing address, simply ask them. Most businesses will happily comply with customer requests.

Types of Customer & Pet Information Stored

DoggieDashboard users are able to save a variety of information on their clients (you) and their pet(s). The list includes: first name, last name, email address, emergency email address, phone number, emergency phone number, street address, city, state/region, zip code and a personal notes section. Pet data stored includes name, breed, sex, birthday, vaccine expirations, microchip, color, vet information, aggression notes, special notes and general notes. The notes sections for both pets and clients can be anything that the pet-service business has decided to save. You're always free to ask your pet-service provider what data they are storing.

Right to be Forgotten: As a first step, contact your pet-service provider and ask them to delete any personal information they are saving about you and your pet(s). Contact to verify that your data has been deleted. All information is saved in our database on an email address basis, so you will need to provide the email address that the pet-service business is using to save your data. You will need to prove you own said email address before we can process your request.

Right to Rectification: As a first step, contact your pet-service provider and ask that they update your information. If they do not reply, please contact with your request. You will need to provide us with your email address and proof of ownership of said email address.

Right of Access: Our Privacy Policy describes what data we collect and how we use it. If you have specific questions about particular data, you can contact for further information at any time.

Right of Portability: We will export your account data to a third party at any time upon your request. All data is exported in CSV (spreadsheet) format. Once again, all requests must include your email address and be sent from the same email address. Example: Someone that contacts us from cannot request information for

Right to Object: Please contact with your request. You must include the email address of the dog daycare that you work with. If said DoggieDashboard user is indeed saving your information, we will notify said user (data controller) and have them erase it from their database. We will confirm that all data has been removed with 14 days.

GDPR Request Form

DoggieDashboard GDPR Request Form
Please Include Your Name
Must Be Valid Email
Select Request Type
Please Include Message Content
Here's a hint: 4